Please see the below and ensure that you are happy before purchase of any course or service

Terms & Conditions for Website & Courses

When you buy a course from, these terms & conditions are what you’re agreeing to, and they apply to every purchase. This means that only our terms & conditions count here — if there are any other rules or terms & conditions you want to include or think should apply because of usual business practices or past dealings, they won’t apply to your purchase. Basically, what we agree upon here is the whole deal between you and us.

Whether you’re buying courses for your business or just for yourself, these terms & conditions are the ones that will apply to your purchase.

Understanding the Key Terms of Our Agreement

Here’s a quick guide to some important terms we use in our terms & conditions:

  • Business Day: Any day that’s not a Saturday, Sunday, or a public holiday in England.
  • Commencement Date: The date when you start using our services, either online or offline.
  • Contract: The agreement between you and us, which includes your purchase, any proposal we’ve made, these terms & conditions, and the Data Processing Agreement.
  • Course: Any of our training sessions, including all parts of a course or extra materials like summaries, videos, or infographics, whether bought alone or with others.
  • Course Licence: A permission for you (a single user) to access a course.
  • Eligible Third Parties: Specific parties who are allowed to use our services.
  • Insolvency Event: Situations where either party faces serious financial difficulties, such as being declared bankrupt or having assets taken over by creditors.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Legal rights to creations like patents, designs, copyrights, trademarks, and any knowledge or information that is protected by law, anywhere in the world.
  • LMS Services: The platform we use to deliver our courses and through which you can access our services.
  • Order Confirmation: The confirmation we send you, either online or offline, to acknowledge your purchase.
  • Renewable Product: Courses or course licences that you can access for a set period, which can be extended.
  • Renewal Term: The period for which your access to our services can be extended beyond the initial term.
  • Services: The complete package of services we offer, including our courses and LMS services.
  • Term: The total time you’re agreed to use our services, including both the initial period and any extensions.
  • User: Anyone who uses our services.

How We Handle Your Orders

Order Rejection: Sometimes, we might need to turn down an order, and we can do this for any reason. If that happens, we’ll let you know as soon as we can.

  • Placing an Order Online:
    • When you order our services on our website, it’s like you’re offering to buy what’s in your cart.
    • We’ll send you an email to say we’ve got your order. This email will also tell you how to get started with the services you’ve bought and let you know when your agreement with us (the Contract) officially starts.
  • Before You Finalize Your Order:
    • Our website lets you review and change your order before you send it to us. It’s important to make sure everything in your order is correct because you’re responsible for the accuracy of your order.
  • Placing an Order Offline:
  • If you get in touch with us in any way other than through our website to talk about buying our services, we might send you a special offer (a Proposal).
    • You accept this Proposal, and our agreement starts, as soon as one of these things happens, whichever comes first:
    • You sign the Proposal.
    • You send us a letter or email saying you accept it.
    • You pay the price we’ve quoted in the Proposal.
    • You or your users start using the services we talked about in the Proposal.
  • The day one of these things happens is when our contract with you begins, unless we’ve agreed on a different start date in the Proposal.

About Our Courses

  • Access and Certification: Once you’ve ordered from, you (or your users) can access each course for the duration of your subscription term. If a user finishes a course, we’ll issue a completion certificate for that course just once in every 12-month period of the term.
  • Course Descriptions: When we talk about our courses in brochures, ads, or our website, we’re giving you a general idea of what to expect. These descriptions are there to help you understand the course but they don’t form part of our official agreement with you. Sometimes, the actual courses might slightly differ from these descriptions, and we’re okay to correct any mistakes in our materials without being held liable.
  • Updates to Course Content: We might update or change course content now and then without telling you first. This could be because laws change or we’re improving the course. As long as these changes don’t significantly alter the course’s quality or what it’s about, we’ll go ahead without notice.
  • No Guarantees: While we aim to provide high-quality courses, we can’t make promises about what you’ll achieve from taking them. We don’t offer warranties or guarantees about the courses fitting your specific needs or the outcomes you desire. Anything that might legally sneak into our agreement suggesting otherwise is not applicable here.

Course Renewals Simplified

  • Renewing Your Course Access: When you decide to renew any of our courses, you have the option to make these renewed courses available again either by yourself or by asking us to do it for you. This renewal is for the specific users you’ve chosen for this new term.
  • User and Licence Limits: The number of users you can allow access to the renewed courses can’t go beyond the number you originally agreed to in your order. This means if you’ve bought access for a certain number of users, that’s the max you can have for the renewal period too. Similarly, the total number of course licenses (which let users access the courses) you can renew won’t exceed what you initially bought. So, if your order confirmed a specific number of licenses, that’s the cap for your renewal.
  • Adding More Users or Licenses: It’s important to know that you can’t add extra users or more licenses during a renewal. If you need more users or additional licenses, these would need to come from purchasing the courses anew, not through the renewal process.

Understanding LMS Services

  • Getting Started with LMS Services: Once you receive your Order Confirmation from us, we’ll quickly send you the details you need to activate the LMS Services for you and any users you’ve chosen. After activation, you’ll get access to your LMS Services account.
  • Availability: Our goal is to make sure the LMS Services are up and running 24/7, despite any maintenance work we might need to do. Whether it’s planned, sudden, or emergency upkeep, we’re committed to minimising interruptions.
  • Access Requirements: To use the LMS Services, you’ll need a stable internet connection and a browser. While our services work on most modern PCs, Apple devices, tablets, and smartphones, using a desktop computer with a compatible browser will give you the best experience.
  • Responsibilities: We can’t be held responsible for any delays or issues with the LMS Services if they’re caused by misuse against our instructions, not following these terms, or any unauthorized changes made to the services. While we strive to provide smooth access to LMS Services, we can’t promise there won’t be interruptions or errors, nor can we ensure it will meet all your specific needs. We’re also not liable for any issues that happen during data transfer over communication networks, including the internet, when using the LMS Services.
  • Intellectual Property: All the intellectual property rights in the LMS belong to us or our partners. This contract doesn’t give you or your users any rights to this intellectual property, except as we’ve clearly stated.

User Responsibilities

  • Ensuring User Compliance: As the account holder, you’re responsible for making sure all users follow the rules set out in our contract. If a user breaks these rules, it’s up to you to stop their access to our services immediately.

What You Need to Do:

  • User Agreement: Ensure every user agrees to and follows the specific terms & conditions of our LMS Services, our usage policy, and our privacy policy.
  • Password Security: Each user must create a strong, secure password for their account on our services and keep this password private.
  • Prevent Unauthorized Use: Do your best to stop any unauthorized access or use of our services. If someone does get in without permission, let us know right away by emailing us at

In short, you play a crucial role in keeping our digital environment secure and in ensuring that all users adhere to our agreed-upon guidelines.

Your Responsibilities

When using our services, there are certain obligations you need to meet:

What You Need to Do:

  • Provide Necessary Information and Cooperation: Give us any information and cooperation we need to offer you our services. Make sure the information you provide is accurate and thorough.
  • Maintain Necessary Permissions: Keep up with any licenses, consents, and permissions you need to use our services properly.

What You Can’t Do:

  • Prohibited Actions: You cannot use our services to spread viruses, or share anything illegal, harmful, defamatory, obscene, or offensive. This includes content that promotes violence, is sexually explicit, or discriminates against others. We have the right to cut off your access if you break these rules.
  • Competitive Restrictions: Don’t use our services to create something that competes with us, or help others access our services for this purpose.
  • Content Restrictions: Except where allowed by law, don’t try to copy, change, or distribute any content we provide you, or try to reverse engineer our services.
  • Sub-licensing and Third-Party Access: You’re not allowed to grant your rights to use our services to anyone else, sell access to our services, or let third parties use them unless it’s clearly stated in our agreement with you.

If You’re Allowed to Give Access to Others:

  • Ensure Compliance: If you do get permission to let others (Eligible Third Parties) use our services, make sure they stick to our contract terms.
  • Take Responsibility: You’ll still be responsible for anything these third parties do with our services.

Understanding Charges for Our Services

How Charges are Determined:

  • Order Basis: The price you pay is determined by:
    • The listed price on our website when you place your order.
    • The price specified in our Proposal, if we provided one to you.
    • For renewals, it’s either the price on our website at the time your current term ends or the price in any new Proposal we’ve given you.

VAT and Other Taxes:

  • Our charges don’t include VAT. If VAT applies to your purchase, you’ll need to pay it on top of the charges at the current rate.

Payment Timing and Method:

  • Online Purchases: Payment is needed upfront for services bought online. Your payment must be complete before we process your order. We use a third-party payment provider to handle transactions, and we’ll consider your payment made once they confirm the transaction is successful.
    Offline Purchases: If you’re buying our services offline, we’ll send you an invoice with our Proposal. You need to pay this invoice within 7 days, making sure we receive the funds in the bank account we’ve specified.

Payment Obligations:

  • You’re required to pay all amounts due under our contract without holding anything back for set-off, counterclaims, deductions, or withholdings, except as required by law for tax purposes.

Understanding Suspension of Services

When We May Suspend Access: We reserve the right to immediately suspend your access, and that of your users, to our services if:

  • Contract Breach: You or any of your users violate the terms of our contract. This includes delays in payment of charges for more than 7 days.
  • Policy Violation: The use of our services goes against our website, LMS usage policies, or privacy policy, or if it poses a security threat to us or others.
  • Adverse Impact: The way you or your users engage with our services negatively affects our systems, our content, or disrupts service for other customers.

Lifting the Suspension:

  • We’ll consider reinstating access only after the reasons for suspension are fully addressed to our satisfaction.

Financial Responsibility During Suspension:

  • Despite any suspension, you’re still responsible for paying any charges due during this period.

Intellectual property rights

Ownership of Intellectual Property:

  • All the intellectual property rights (IPR) related to the services and content provided by, except for any material you provide, belong to us. This includes anything created, developed, or used in connection with our services.

Your License to Use Our Content:

  • We grant you a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the content and materials we provide as part of our services. This license is for you to access and benefit from our services during your subscription term. Remember, this doesn’t include the materials you might provide.

In simpler terms, while you can freely use the content we provide as part of our services to learn and apply within the scope of the services, the underlying rights to this content remain with us.

Data Protection & Privacy

How We Handle Your Data:

  • In providing our services, we might need to collect personal information from you. We handle this data both as a controller (deciding how and why data is processed) and as a processor (processing data on behalf of someone else). Our Data Processing Agreement outlines how we do this and ensures your data is handled correctly.

User Agreement to Policies:

  • Everyone using our LMS Services must agree to and follow:
    • The specific terms & conditions of the LMS Services.
    • Our usage policy.
    • Our privacy policy.

These commitments help safeguard your personal information and ensure a secure and compliant learning environment for all users.

Term, Cancellation and Termination Explained

Contract Duration and Termination:

  • Start and Duration: The contract starts on the Commencement Date and runs for 12 months or another period specified in the Proposal (the Initial Term).
    Automatic Termination: If you’ve bought individual courses (not part of a Renewable Product), the contract ends when the Initial Term does, unless we agree otherwise.
    Renewable Products and LMS Services: For renewable subscriptions or LMS services, we’ll remind you before your term expires.

Reasons We May End the Contract:

  • Breach of Contract: If you or a user seriously break the contract terms and don’t fix the issue within 20 days of being notified.
    Non-Payment: If you don’t pay on time and still haven’t paid 3 business days after we’ve reminded you.
    Insolvency: If you face significant financial problems.
    No Refunds: If the contract is terminated for these reasons, we can’t offer any refunds for services bought.

What Happens When the Contract Ends:

  • Immediate Payments: You need to pay any outstanding charges right away.
    Rights End: Any permissions we’ve given you under the contract stop immediately.
    Return or Destroy Our Content: You must either give back or, if we ask, destroy any of our content you have.
    Remove Your Content: It’s up to you to take any of your content (like certificates) off our system by the end date. If you don’t, we may delete it.
    Ongoing Rights and Duties: Ending the contract doesn’t affect any rights or duties that have built up until the end.
    Surviving Terms: Some contract terms still apply even after the contract ends.

Understanding Our Liability to You

What We’re Responsible For:

  • We don’t limit our responsibility for serious matters, including:
    • If our negligence (or that of our staff or subcontractors) causes death or injury.
    • If we engage in fraud or deceit.
    • Any other responsibilities that the law says we can’t avoid or limit.

What We’re Not Liable For:

  • We’re not responsible for various financial losses or damages that might happen because of or in relation to our contract with you. This includes:
    • Lost profits or business.
    • Lost contracts or business opportunities.
    • Missed savings you were expecting.
    • Damage to or loss of software, data, or information.
    • Lost management or operation time.
    • Damage to your business reputation (goodwill).
    • Any other indirect or consequential losses or expenses you might incur.

Our Financial Limit of Liability:

  • Our total financial responsibility to you for any issues arising from our contract is limited to:
    • The total amount you’ve paid us in the 12 months before the claim.
    • If a claim is made in the first year, the total you’ve paid from the start of our contract to the date the issue occurred.

Website Availability:

  • We aim to keep our website up and running smoothly. However, if it’s down for any reason, we won’t be liable for any loss or inconvenience you might face.

Ongoing Validity:

  • This liability section remains valid even if our contract ends.

Handling Events Outside Our Control

Our Responsibility During Unforeseeable Events:

  • Sometimes, things happen that are out of our control. If such events prevent us from fulfilling our obligations to you under our contract, we can’t be held liable. This includes issues like:
    • Server or software failures.
    • Strikes or industrial actions not involving our company.
    • Public disturbances, conflicts, terrorist threats or attacks, and natural disasters like fires, floods, and earthquakes.
    • Health crises, including epidemics and pandemics.
    • Failures in public or private communication networks.

What Happens If These Events Continue:

  • If an uncontrollable event goes on for more than 14 days, either you or we have the option to cancel the contract that’s been affected by the situation.

Understanding Key Provisions in Our Terms

  • Notices and Communication: All notices must be written and can be delivered by hand, mailed via first-class post or next-day service, or emailed. They’re considered received when signed for, two working days after mailing, or by 10:30 am the next business day after an email is sent.
  • Assignment and Transfer: We can transfer our contract rights to another entity with notice to you. You can transfer your rights only with our written consent.
  • Changes to Terms: We may update these terms to reflect payment process changes, legal requirements, operational changes, or to update charges for renewal. Any other changes to the contract need to be written and signed by both parties.
  • Waiver: If we don’t immediately enforce the contract terms or delay in doing so, it doesn’t mean we’ve waived our rights. Waivers are only effective if made in writing.
  • Entire Agreement: This contract is the complete agreement between us. It replaces any previous discussions or agreements. The only exception is in the case of fraudulent misrepresentation.
  • Severance: If any part of these terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, the rest of the terms remain effective.
  • Third Party Rights: This contract is between you and us. No one else can enforce its terms.
  • Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This contract is governed by English law, and both parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of English courts for any disputes.


SEO Training Online Logo Terms & Conditions - with dark background

Other Policies

  • Privacy Policy: Please see our privacy policy to see how we handle your data.
  • Refunds Policy: Please see our refund policy if you should wish to apply for a refund.
  • Cookie Policy: Please see our cookie policy for how we and our website uses cookie.