Content Simplified

Estimated Time: Estimated Duration: 20-40 hours, including practical activities. Enjoy 365 days of access to complete the course at your own pace.

Difficulty: Beginner - Intermediate


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Why Did We Create the Content Simplified Course?

We created the Content Simplified course because so many businesses don’t understand the importance of content. Or they struggle to find their content and keep it fresh. Or both. Either way, they’re missing a vital component in their pursuit and retention of customers.

Our digital world demands content. Lots of it – fresh and original. Content is vital for blogs, website pages, social media, etc. However, not all content is created equal. At its best, it’s relevant to a business and engages a target audience. At worst, it’s irrelevant and misses its target. We know that businesses of all sizes struggle to find their content and keep it fresh. So what’s the answer – how do you create content that attracts the attention of both search engines and your target audience? Where do you find it? The answers are right here in Content Simplified.

It starts with a content strategy. It’s a plan and whilst it isn’t a difficult task it does require a good deal of thought, knowledge, creativity, and process. That’s the focus of Content Simplified. Then the copywriting and imagery choice stage is so much easier, and the outcomes are both lead-generating and conversion-boosting.

Why choose our Content Simplified course?

To be clear, this isn’t a copywriting course. We differentiate content from copy and imagery. The latter is what you communicate, and it needs a structure to work from – a content strategy. Content Simplified covers this vital, earlier stage without which, you can’t write, or choose your images. It’s all about standing back and working out the bigger picture and coming up with a content strategy that suits your business across all your communication channels – online, print, face-to-face. Otherwise, you’re flying blind, not knowing from one day to the next what to blog or post about. That’s painful and stressful. Then in desperation, you start to copy what other people are doing, and that’s where the trouble really starts because that’s not your content. And Google sees this.

A content strategy stops the short-term pain of what to post today or blog next week. A content strategy will help you get the business where it needs to be in the long term. If it doesn’t, stop doing it.

Content Simplified is built on years of knowledge and experience of finding and creating content for a diverse range of clients. Now it’s online for every business. Content is vital fuel for your SEO to drive your online presence, so this course simplifies the whole content creation process.

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Always Know What to Write, Show and Say

Never be ‘stuck for ideas’ on content for your website or blog. Someone else might be writing the copy or managing your social media, but they’ll be working from a content strategy, with you in charge.

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Create Your Original Content

Never have to copy other people’s content ever again. Get ideas from your competitors, yes. Copy them, no. Google needs original content that gives it a reason to put you in front of your target customers.

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Understand More About Your Business

You’ll learn that creating your content and running your business are two sides of the same coin. (In fact, the former helps keep the latter on track.)

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Find the Link Between Content and Sales

If your content isn’t leading to sales, why communicate it? This course won’t let you get away with ‘approximate’ content.

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Course Highlights

  • It’s called Content Simplified for good reason. This course will clarify what you need to do and how.
  • You don’t have to be a copywriter to benefit from this course. You just need to understand your business.
  • Content Simplified is scalable when you’re ready. Wherever your start-point, the course will make sense. Then you can call on best practice support if you need it.
  • Downloadable worksheets combine to create your ongoing content strategy process.

Start Content Simplified Today

£749.00 ex. VAT
365 days of access

We accept most major Credit Cards and PayPal.

Also available: ‘Pay Later – Pay in 3‘ Budget and pay in 3 payments over 2 months.


Is Content Simplified the Right Course for You?

If you’re running a business or are in charge of marketing a business and its services, then yes, Content Simplified is right for you.

There’s so much information being communicated on so many different channels at every minute of the day. Instead of adding to this noise, how do you cut through it and make an impact on your target audience? It starts with content – getting good at both the quality of your content and the process of gathering it. Relevant, appropriate content scheduled to go out via the right channels. Communicating any old thing has never been a good move but these days poor content will lead to missed sales targets. Your SEO team will keep you on track with the ever-advancing sophistication of today’s search engines. You just need good content to kick it all off.

Content Simplified applies whether you are a start-up, established business, sole trader or employer of 10+:

The Start-Up

Start as you mean to go on: commit to producing your own content and getting the process down to a fine art as you grow: Content Simplified will help you achieve both:

  • Find customers: while building a profile takes time, SEO can quickly get you ranking if it can rely on good content.
  • Establish the content-creation habit: In the early days of a start-up, the workforce is naturally small, maybe just one of you. Creating your content as efficiently as possible will therefore be vital to you as you multi-task your way to getting established.

The Established Business

You know your business and your customers; you’ve got history. Time to let your content catch up:

  • Up your game: the business has grown, so your content needs to keep pace and reflect the new regime and support the bigger player you’ve become.
  • Help your marketing communication deliver: is it disjointed and not supporting sales as it should? Maybe your SEO is stalling? Content is likely to be problem. So fixing it will deliver a rather impressive solution.
  • Give everyone the same brief: however you run your marketing communication, it needs to be efficient. It could be an inhouse team, a network of freelancers or just one person part-time. Whoever’s doing it, they need a content strategy – a framework to guide them.

When do I Take the Content Simplified Course?

If you’re a start up with no real content, then we recommend that Content Simplified is the first course you take. This will get you up and running quickly and properly support your SEO from day one. If you’re a little more established, have a website, and a blogging and social media footprint, then SEO Simplified would be the best course to complete first. As well as making you SEO enabled, it will reveal exactly where top quality content will be of great benefit.

What are the Benefits of Taking the Content Simplified Course?

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Content Always to Hand

Apply the process that means your content is always ready – saving time and energy but getting it right.
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No More Writers’ Block

Stop the frustrated scratching around for something to blog about. Instead of stressing about the lack of good content, let Content Simplified put you in charge of the very best.

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Everyone Working from the Same Content

Whoever is writing, blogging, posting, speaking, – know they’re always using the right content.
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Communicate Effectively on Various Channels

Content Simplified helps you use your channels (website, social media, blogs, etc) to their best advantage.

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Fuel Your SEO

It needs a constant supply of original content to perform to the max. SEO is all about differentiating you from the others, so give it something to work with.

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Create Content for all Your Marketing Communication

Digital, print, email, face-to-face… You are communicating all the time so experience the benefit of joining it all up with your authentic content.

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Schedule When Your Content Goes Out

Reach your target audience at the right time for them and you.

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Compete with Confidence

Relevant, original and authentic content will enable you explain why you matter in as many different ways as necessary.

In today’s digital age, original, focussed content is no longer a ‘good-to-have’ – it’s essential.

With Content Simplified, you’re not just learning the ropes; you’re positioning yourself and your business for online success.

Ready to lead the content frontier? See an overview of the course content below, then enroll today!

Start Content Simplified Today

£749.00 ex. VAT
365 days of access

We accept most major Credit Cards and PayPal.

Also available: ‘Pay Later – Pay in 3‘ Budget and pay in 3 payments over 2 months.


Course Instructor

Parachute Communication Parachute Communication Author

Parachute Communication is Susanna Orchard, a content creator and copywriter. The name 'Parachute Communication’ reflects her readiness to jump in and fulfil a client's needs - and it always starts with getting the content in place. Naturally Susanna's focus is digital: websites, blogs, email campaigns and social media. However, content applies to all forms of communication and its importance can’t be overstated. Being good at what you do isn’t good enough; you have to be able to communicate what you do so the right people find you. That’s why you need content and that’s the focus of Parachute Communication. Find out more about Susanna and Parachute Communication on her website.

01. Your Course & How To Use Our Website

02. 1-2-1 Tutor Support

03. Understanding How Valuable Content is to Your Business

04. Knowing Where to Find Your Content

05. Planning How to Use Your Content

06. Communicating Your Content 

07. Content Simplified Summary


09. Your Feedback and What Next

Start Content Simplified Today

£749.00 ex. VAT
365 days of access

We accept most major Credit Cards and PayPal.

Also available: ‘Pay Later – Pay in 3‘ Budget and pay in 3 payments over 2 months.